Election Results and Candidate Information
2021 Election Results
Was Elected ✔
First Selectman | Board of Education |
(R) John L Hall, III - 1,401 ✔ (D) Chet Bialicki - 917 ✔ | (R) Donald Perreault - 1,319 ✔ (R) Andew Miesse - 1,167 ✔ (D) Mary Ella Luft - 1,080 ✔ (D) Haifa Jalil - 978 |
Board of Selectmen | Assesment Appeals |
(R) Joseph Campbell - 1,400 ✔ (D) Vincent Gentile - 906 | (R) Linda Nolf - 1,543 ✔ |
Town Clerk | Planning Commission |
(R) Nancy Giannini - 957 (D) Joan Angelini-1,373 ✔ | (R) Phillip Basset - 1,532 ✔ |
Treasurer | Zoning Commission |
(R) Jane Butterworth-1,666 ✔ | (R) Harry Ruppenicker Jr - 1,520 ✔ |
Tax Collector | Zoning Board of Appeals |
(R) Kim Bratz - 1,695 ✔ | (D) Jack Boehme - 1,171 ✔ |
Board of Finance | Library Board |
(R) Paul Winch - 1,276 ✔ (R) Karl Gelotte - 1,247 ✔ (D) Greg Farnoli - 998 (D) Tommy Burns - 979 | (R) Katherine Richard - 1,351 ✔ (D) Jodie Oshana - 1,147 ✔ (D) Kathleen Cietanno - 1,114 ✔ |
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