Foundations Our Declaration of Independence declares that we hold truths that are self-evident. These truths are defined by our Creator. No man defines truth.. As a nation , we must hold the truths as the foundation of our constitution. If we leave these truths we will be destroyed. The destruction process has […]
Constitutional Tidbits
Posts related to the US Constitution and the State Constitution of Connecticut.
Segment 4: Early Foundations – Connecticut
Abraham Lincoln stated in his famous Gettysburg Address that our nation was conceived in liberty and we have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. This birthing of a nation that came forth from liberty’s womb has foundations preceding 1776 and 1787. On January14, 1639 the Fundamental […]
Segment 3 – Father of the Republic
Segment 3 – Father of the Republic George Washington, our first president, was a great military and political leader. He was also a humble dedicated servant of God. His prayer in June of 1779 was recorded . Near his headquarters on the Hudson River, General George Washington prayed …. […]